In this edition of From Moscow with Love its hosts Vasily Strelnikov and Nataly Stefanova will tell you about Vasily’s “Parking Permit Passions”, his attempt to avoid criminal charges, Nataly's adventures on a suburban train, and Muscovites’ attitude to prohibition. Plus – our new segment “Quotes from our Parents” and listeners’ letters.
In a bid to solve its major traffic problem, Moscow has introduced pay parking on many streets, including the one where Vasily lives. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to get a residential parking permit, as Vasily discovered recently. But that’s not the only problem he’s trying to solve…
The new amendments to the immigration law signed by President Putin in June have come into force. Now, all Russian nationals who have dual citizenship must report it to the authorities. Failing to do so may lead to criminal charges. As a citizen of the Russian Federation and the United States, Vasily has to act fast to avoid trouble.
Russia may have introduced tough new laws prohibiting drinking in public areas, but how effective are they? Nataly describes a recent trip on a suburban train and the two speak about prohibition in Russia and the former USSR.
And in conclusion – “Quotes from our parents” and listeners’ letters.
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