VR listener: “American Mid-east policy is like someone digging a hole for no reason and their only way to make it better is just to dig a bigger hole, problem is once they realize they have messed up the hole is too deep to get out of!”
Picking up where we left off – the deteriorating situation in the Middle East. The Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is rapidly devouring Iraq and neighboring states, and the world community is preparing to launch a united offensive against the rising threat. Is what we receive from the news the whole story? What stands behind ISIS and who stands to win in this supposedly new war on terror once the dust settles?
Here’s what members of our audience think.
Joachim Wehovz, wrote: “Though the US is guilty of creating — for geopolitical reasons- ISIS as a scourge for many nations, the eradication of this plague has to be free of US intervention for obvious reasons. In trying to sell this global deceit, the US President himself is leaking the secret Eurasian plan of world deception, which starts in Syria by using ISIS as pretext. He is whistleblowing the plan of world deception by giving himself up to vain jingoistic delusions, deifying American goodness, indispensability and exceptionalism (…and lawlessness…on behalf of the big business). The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) should act now for straightening the UN.”
Gerald Rubin wrote: “Facts do not matter. American Neo-cons and their followers only want to see blood and destruction. Yesterday a troll was telling me that US should send in 500,000 troops to destroy ISIS for the killing a reporter. Others were calling for nuclear annihilation. There is absolutely no reasoning with these people.”
Roderick Fraser added: “American Mid-east policy is like someone digging a hole for no reason and their only way to make it better is just to dig a bigger hole, problem is once they realize they have messed up the hole is too deep to get out of!”
Mikhail Maximov left a comment:
“Well what I can say is, that this problem is in the Middle East and Iran is just there and more conscious than USA that brought all this trouble to the region. USA just needs to butt out completely and stay home to take care of their mess in your continent…”
Maya Herzl chimed in: “The results [of foreign policy] are under our eyes. irak,libya,siria completely ruined, Christians persecuted even in countries where they lived peacefully before usa intervention. And moreover a future with many problems as we dont know who would be armed by usa and with which promises? I think that this administration has succeeded only in making hated obama and his staff.it s time to Obama to leave, quickly please.”
What's your take on the situation? Send us an email! As always, we are eager to hear and share your feedback. Visit en.ria.ru/radio.