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LA Police Shot Unarmed Black Man Three Times at Close Range: Autopsy Report

© REUTERS / Patrick T. FallonDemonstrators rally against the Missouri grand jury's decision to not indict Darren Wilson for his fatal shooting of Michael Brown, in front of a mural of Ezell Ford
Demonstrators rally against the Missouri grand jury's decision to not indict Darren Wilson for his fatal shooting of Michael Brown, in front of a mural of Ezell Ford - Sputnik International
Ezell Ford, an unarmed black man with a history of mental illness, who was shot and killed by Los Angeles police in August, died from three gunshot wounds in the right arm, abdomen and back, according to autopsy report.

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MOSCOW, December 30 (Sputnik) — An autopsy report released late Monday has revealed that an unarmed black man with a history of mental illness, who was shot and killed by Los Angeles police in August, died from three gunshot wounds, one of which was in the back, the Los Angeles Times reported Tuesday.

"What the report shows is that Ezell [Ford] was shot in the back and killed," Steve Lerman, the family's attorney, was quoted as saying in the newspaper.

According to the report, Ford was shot in the right arm, abdomen and back. The coroner ruled that the last shot was fatal. Muzzle imprints in the victim's skin indicate the shot was made at close range.

On August 11, Ezell Ford, 25, was fatally shot by Los Angeles Police Department officers Sharlton Wampler and Antonio Villegas in the southern section of the city. The police report said that Ford had been stopped so the officers could talk to him and that during the conversation he had reached for one of their service weapons. Witnesses to the scene reported no struggle. Ford's family said he suffered from mental illness.

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US President Barack Obama commented in a National Public Radio interview on Monday that tensions in race relations in the United States are "hardly new."

Beginning this summer, a wave of sometimes violent protests calling for accountability and racial equality by US police erupted across the United States after Eric Garner and Michael Brown, both unarmed black men, were shot and killed by white policemen. Grand jury indictments for both officers were rejected.

A recent Gallup poll showed that Americans consider racial issues to be at their highest level of importance in 20 years.

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