MOSCOW, January 15 (Sputnik) — About a third of Americans, who took part in a joint poll conducted by the Reuters news agency and the Ipsos market research company, claim police officers tend to lie and pursue their own goals, a survey issued Thursday showed.
Distrust of US police among African-Americans ran deeper, constituting 45 percent.
Moreover, about 70 percent of African-Americans believed police were likely to target minorities, the poll revealed.
In total, Reuters and Ipsos analyzed responses from 1,612 individuals in the survey carried out in the period between December 29, 2014 and January 9, 2015.
The findings reflect the divided opinion among US citizens on the question of police officers' actions following a series of killings of unarmed black men by white officers in recent times.
Mass demonstrations took place in US cities in response to police brutality and abuse of power following two grand jury decisions in 2014 not to indict police officers, who killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner in New York, both black and unarmed.