Diplomats Skeptical Over Proposal to Send EU Mission to Libya

EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini proposed to send a team to Libya to monitor a ceasefire or to protect airports and other infrastructure.

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EU governments expressed skepticism towards the plan by bloc’s foreign policy chief to consider sending soldier to Libya to back up a potential national unity government.

EU foreign ministers will meet in Brussels on Monday to discuss whether to authorize Mogherini to draw up proposals for a possible mission in Libya if UN-brokered talks to resolve a crisis succeed.

Mogherini proposed to send a team to Libya to monitor a ceasefire or to protect airports and other infrastructure.

EU diplomats said the plans would entail sending some European soldiers to Libya where the Islamic State has established a presence. It will be necessary to reach an agreement and discuss all of the details before planning any operations, according to a diplomat.

A new EU mission will require both a request from Libya and a mandate from the UN Security Council.

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