Second Round of Intra-Syrian Talks in Moscow Positive - Opposition

© AFP 2023 / VASILY MAXIMOVQadri Jamil, a leader of the Popular Front of Change and Liberation
Qadri Jamil, a leader of the Popular Front of Change and Liberation - Sputnik International
One of the Syrian opposition leaders Qadri Jamil said it was premature to discuss a new round of intra-Syrian talks, adding that the negotiating parties were closer to agreeing on the existing issues than before.

Syrian opposition delegates in Moscow - Sputnik International
Participants in Intra-Syrian Talks in Moscow Agree 10-Point Agenda – Source
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Most of the tasks for the second round of the intra-Syrian talks in Moscow have been completed and should be considered positive, Syrian opposition leader Qadri Jamil told Sputnik on Friday.

“Overall, we can say that the conclusion is positive…we can say that we have completed more than 50 percent of the tasks,” Jamil said.

He said it was too early to discuss a new round of intra-Syrian talks, adding that the negotiating parties were closer to agreeing on the existing issues than before.

Moscow served as host city for the second round of talks between Syrian leadership and the country's opposition April 6-9. The previous round of negotiations was held in the Russian capital January 26-29.

During the first round of talks in January, the parties discussed a political framework for settling the Syrian crisis and worked out the so-called Moscow Principles, outlining a political platform for national reconciliation.

On Thursday, a source at the talks told Sputnik that the participants had agreed on all 10 points of the agenda.

Syria has been engulfed in a civil war since 2011 following an anti-government uprising. The war has claimed more than 200,000 lives, and forced almost 4 million people to flee the country, according to UN data.

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