School textbooks depict Russia as a big monster trying to tear Ukraine apart with its sharp claws and teeth, while Western Europe is seen as a nice "helping hand." Ironically, it was Russia that has been sending Ukraine humanitarian aid, meanwhile Europeans have only contributed with guns and soldiers, the source said.

Another chapter of the Dutch school textbook shows a map of the world under the headline "Undemocratic countries," in which North America and Europe are seen as "free" societies and are appropriately colored in green. Russia, China, the Middle East and much of Africa are marked by shades of red, illustrating their "despotic, undemocratic" nature.
Since the start of the Ukrainian crisis, anti-Russian sentiments have significantly risen in the country. Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen as a dictator and his country as a communist nation. Oddly enough, Russia can't be called a communist, not even a socialist country. Income tax in Russia is only 13 percent, whereas in "free" Europe it is as much as 50 percent in some places.
The West keeps accusing Russia of spreading propaganda, but absurdly enough the West itself is the chief distributor of lies and propaganda, the source said.