John Curtice, professor of politics at Strathclyde University and President of the British Polling Council and John Gaffney, a political commentator and author, professor of politics at Aston University explain what Jeremy Corbyn’s economic policies are. Corbyn’s anti-austerity and pro-social justice programmes are finding resonance and support amongst the large number of people who felt unrepresented not only by the Conservatives in the last election, but also by Miliband’s Labour party. During the programme, professors Curtice and Gaffney also discuss whether Corbyn’s programme is actually very far from traditional (more left of centre) Labour politics, which Miliband abandoned in true New Labour style.
A possibly more important issue discussed on this programme is what will happen to the opposition at Westminster if he is elected leader. Another topic discussed is the possibility that the reason for Corbyn’s rise is actually the fact that there are no alternatives, that no other Labour Leader has a clear vision of what sort of country he or she envisages the UK becoming, is discussed. We live in interesting times.