Small but Deadly: China Presents Z-19E Attack Helicopter

© Photo : http://mil.huanqiu.comChina’s light attack helicopter, Z-19E
China’s light attack helicopter, Z-19E - Sputnik International
China unveiled an export version of its light Z-19 assault chopper several days before the start of the 2015 China International Helicopter Exposition.

Chinese servicemen - Sputnik International
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The helicopter can provide offensive air support and destroy the armored vehicles of any potential enemy with its “air-to-surface” armament including anti-tank missiles, a 23mm cannon and other weapons. It also has gun pods and can carry air-to-air missiles, and its tandem-seated cockpit is armored.

The aircraft can carry out reconnaissance missions as well.

In contrast with its basic version, the new chopper features modernized systems protecting it from the enemy’s air defense, and it sports new avionics.

Furthermore, its maker Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation (HAMC) announced that the Z-19E received a stealth technology that decreases the helicopter’s observability to foes.

China’s light attack helicopter, Z-19E

The helicopter’s thrust and rotor systems, as well as tail, are the same as the Harbin Z-19 – its basic version.

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