Raul Castro, Ban Ki-moon Discuss Normalization of Relations Between Cuba, US

© REUTERS / StringerA man stands near the national flags of the U.S. and Cuba (R) on the balcony of a hotel being used by the first U.S. congressional delegation to Cuba since the change of policy announced by U.S. President Barack Obama on December 17, in Havana
A man stands near the national flags of the U.S. and Cuba (R) on the balcony of a hotel being used by the first U.S. congressional delegation to Cuba since the change of policy announced by U.S. President Barack Obama on December 17, in Havana - Sputnik International
Cuban President met with UN Secretary General to discuss normalization of relations between Havana and Washington.

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) — Cuban President Raul Castro met Saturday with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to discuss normalization of relations between Havana and Washington, according to a UN statement.

“The Secretary-General congratulated President Castro on the historical occasion of his visit to United Nations Headquarters. The two leaders discussed the ongoing process of normalization of relations with the United States,” the statement issued on Saturday reads.

Besides, Ban Ki-moon highlighted Cuba’s “important role in hosting and facilitating the Colombian peace talks and the recent remarkable achievements after so many years of conflict in the country.”

Cuban leader Raul Castro - Sputnik International
Cuban President Raul Castro to Address UN First Time in September
The United States and Cuba officially re-established full diplomatic relations on July 20 by reopening embassies in the countries’ capitals after 54 years of hostility.

The thaw in bilateral relations started after Obama announced in December 2014 that his administration would pursue a path toward normalizing relations with Cuba.

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