"My attention was caught by the bottles of mineral water on the table next to Poroshenko," explained Oleg Ponomarov, who posted the pictures on Facebook on Saturday, since which they have been shared by almost 2,300 users.
"I was trying hard for a long time to remember the brand, but I knew for sure that I had seen it in Denmark. Then I remembered! It is the elite Norwegian Voss, which was designed by Calvin Klein himself, and so pure it's almost poured out by virgins."
Случайно обратил внимание на… минеральную воду, стоящую на столе у Порошенко. Долго мучался и не мог вспомнить марку,…
Posted by Олег Пономарёв on Thursday, 1 October 2015
"What can I say? War in Ukraine? Crisis, you say? The Ukrainian pensions raised by Yatsenyuk from September 1, can stretch to three of these bottles. Make your own conclusion," wrote Ponomarov, who reminded readers that a bottle of Voss sells for 329 Ukrainian Hryvnia [$15.51].
On September 1, the Ukrainian basic state pension was raised to 1,074 Hryvnia [$51], which would just about stretch to three bottles of Poroshenko's mineral water; the minimum wage for Ukrainians was raised to 1,378 Hryvnia [$65], enough for four bottles of Voss.