MOSCOW (Sputnik) — British low-cost airline carrier EasyJet does not currently overfly northern and central parts of the Sinai Peninsula after the Russian Kogalymavia Airbus crashed in the area on Saturday, EasyJet press officer told Sputnik on Sunday.
“UK airlines including EasyJet currently do not overfly central and Northern Sinai, the area of the incident on advice of the Department of Transport,” the press officer said.
On Saturday, EasyJet and British Airways said they were not planning to alter their flights to and from the Egyptian resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh. At the same time, Emirates, Air France and Lufthansa stopped flying over the Sinai Peninsula after the tragedy with the Russian airliner.
On Saturday, Russian Kogalymavia Airbus crashed on the Sinai Peninsula some 23 minutes after take-off while en route from Sahrm el-Sheikh to St.Petersburg. All 224 people on board were killed in the crash.