MOSCOW, Svetlana Alexandrova – The Tunisian envoy said he hoped to combine the trade, economic, scientific and technology commission with political consultations among Russian and Tunisian foreign ministers.
"It has been decided to hold the next round of our joint commission meeting from March 30 to April 2," Goutali said. "Tunisian delegation to the joint commission will be led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs [Taieb Baccouche], on the Russian side it will be led by the Minister of Sport [Vitaly Mutko]."
Goutali underscored the safety measures taken in the country following this summer’s deadly terrorist attacks at the Sousse beach resort and the attacks on the Bardo museum in spring.
In March, Economy and Finance Minister Slim Chaker said the country’s tourism industry could lose more than $700 million because of the Bardo attack.
Goutali told Sputnik in July the number of Russian tourists doubled from 150,000 to 300,000 between 2011 and 2013.