Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in France, taking part in numerous protests against the new labor reforms proposed by the government.
According to The Local, the protesters include high school and university students, workers and members of 'leftist unions' who insist that the new reforms won’t create new jobs but instead will take "France back to the 19th century."
Cortège sans fin contre la #LoiTravail a #Toulouse #greve31mars pic.twitter.com/xACRSBfvo4
— Maxime Reynié (@Maxime_Reynie) 31 марта 2016 г.
The protests are against a bill that would relax France’s labor laws, permitting employees to work much more than the current statutory 35-hour week, imposing a cap on damages in cases of unfair dismissal as well as removing barriers to firing employees on economic grounds.
Manif #Nantes ça part en sucette place graslin #Lacrymo pic.twitter.com/EfM3BPrnZe
— Yan Gauchard (@yangauchard) 31 марта 2016 г.
Several protests have unfortunately turned violent, with law enforcement officers using tear gas and clashing with the protesters.
Manifestation contre la #LoiTravail à #Rouen. @76actu pic.twitter.com/CBoccAZ8mG
— Julien Bouteiller (@j_bouteiller) 31 марта 2016 г.