MOSCOW (Sputnik) — A preview of the film, aired during the Rossiya-1 channel's TV show Vesti Nedeli on Sunday, claimed that Navalny allegedly received money from MI6. It also disclosed documents and correspondence reportedly testifying to his ties with CEO of UK-based Hermitage Capital investment fund William Browder.
"We will not only file a lawcase against Rossiya-1, [TV host Dmitry] Kiselev and the ‘authors of the investigation’ to protect my honor and dignity but will also press defamation charges," Navalny wrote in a blog posting.
The documentary, the full version of which will be aired on Wednesday, claimed that Navalny apparently received 100 million rubles ($1.5 million) from MI6 for "activities aimed at exposing corruption and the theft of Russian state assets." Some of the money was allegedly to be transferred to a trustee from the Moscow Helsinki Group, one of the oldest human rights watchdogs.