Vladimir Putin addressed a variety of domestic questions such as the price of pharmaceutical drugs and advice for weathering the economic crisis that still afflicts the world. However, the Russian leader drew the international media’s attention when he declared that southeastern Turkey is practically in an unacknowledged state of civil war. Putin did say in response to a child’s question about whether he’d save Erdogan and Poroshenko from drowning that Russia is willing to help any potential partners that want to cooperate with it, thus displaying the political pragmatism that he’s famous for.
In discussing Syria, the President explained that the Russian military drawdown did not amount to an “abandonment” of the country, and that the Syrian Arab Army is in a very good position nowadays, especially in Aleppo.
About the US, Putin refrained from taking sides in the ongoing primaries and said that Russia is seeking an equal partnership with both Trump and Clinton, the two current frontrunners.
Luc Jones, British businessman working in Moscow, author of the book “Why Russian don’t smile” and Alex Bratersky, political commentator, at the Gazeta.ru online news outlet joined us to discuss President Putin's 14th Q&A session.