Dear President Erdogan, Please Do Not Listen to This!
13:26 GMT 19.04.2016 (Updated: 15:16 GMT 19.04.2016)
Dear Mr. President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, please do not listen to this!
Dear Mr. President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, please do not listen to this!
Jan Böhmermann is by now probably the most famous comedian from Germany since VW and the emissions scandal. He insulted a head of state, in this case the head of Turkey — Recep Gobble-Gobble Erdogan — who came back at Böhmermann with a defamation lawsuit and an order to Angela Merkel to put Böhmermann behind bars. Wow! Talking about not being able to take a joke. A crude joke at that, but that was all it was. A joke. George Carlin, Doug Stanhope, and Steve Hughes have a few funny answers to the question “What to do if I get offended by anything at all?” While Dr. Alexander Thiele (Professor for Public and European Law at Freie Universität Berlin) delivers his professional opinion.