I received post notice from UNESCO saying that I was selected in the list of candidates.”

He further said that during the past 10 years he worked hard and held a variety of social research events calling for peace, intercultural and interfaith dialogue. He also created several community organizations in Iran and Canada.
Some of these organizations are: the “Coordination Council of Muslims in Canada”, “Company of Shia Muslims of Ottawa”, “Intercultural Committee of Carleton University in Canada”, “Society of Carleton University for Canada Iranian culture” and the “Center for International and Cultural Studies University of Tehran”.
All of these and other local civil society organizations in Iran and Canada are actively engaged in activities aimed at promoting a culture of peace.
“However, my main project, which attracted the attention of UNESCO is the academic and cultural, artistic and educational project called WAVE (World Against Violence and Extremism- world against violence and extremism),” Malahati told Sputnik.
The candidate said that the instigator of this project was Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. The corresponding idea was voiced at the 68th session of the UN General Assembly in 2013, which was approved by a majority vote for the resolution on “Peace against violence and violent extremism.”
“Implementation of project WAVE started almost immediately, in 2013. I and my fellow colleagues started to conduct scientific, educational and cultural activities. We had to go through several phases: to hold seminars, training sessions, conferences, and cultural festivals.”
He said that this project includes several thousand people both from Iran as well as from other foreign countries.
In 2012, “I was honored to be a young Iranian activist abroad and enter the list of the 47 youngest Iranian activists of the WAVE project,” the candidate said.

“Our world today, from my point of view and from the point of view of like-minded people, can be divided into two fronts, two unions. First is the front of violence and extremism and second is opposing the first- those who are opposed to violence. Now is the time that people from around the world rally and unite in their resistance movement and struggle against violence and extremism, because the world today suffers from this evil more than ever,” Malahati stated.
“Above all there must be a struggle of wits. Our task is to ensure that the phenomenon of terrorism anywhere and in any form, provokes antagonism and condemnation in any corner of the world. Sponsors of terrorism are themselves victims of this sinister phenomenon,” Malahati said.
He spoke about Daesh and the atrocities that the terrorists commit, saying that the destruction of cultural and historical values of civilizations and monuments hurts humanity.
“Today, nations of the world must realize that, despite differences, they can live side by side in peace, tranquility and friendship. They must believe that a racial difference is not a threat, on the contrary, these are faces that help people come together and feel common values of good.”
The candidate further noted that at this stage, he would really like to conduct a few round table meetings with candidates of the award from other countries, to discuss tools of opposition to violence.
According to him, in that way a suitable environment for proper measures and joint efforts to promote a universal culture of tolerance and non-violence can be created.
“Taking this opportunity, I would like to declare my will to host a joint conference in Iran in the city of Shiraz, near the tomb of the Persian poet Saadi, whose work is an achievement of all of mankind,” Malahadi said.
The prize was established in 1995 on the occasion of the United Nations Year for Tolerance and the 125th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi.
It was also the year when UNESCO Member States adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance.
The creation of the prize has been inspired by the ideals of UNESCO’s Constitution which proclaims that “peace, if it is not to fail, must be founded on the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind”.
This year International Day for Tolerance will take place on November 16 at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris with the participation of the Secretary-General. For the tenth time the committee will select its laureates.