The new device is expected to enable autonomous driving for almost all electric wheelchairs, the official website of the project says.
The system will consist of three parts: the device itself which will be attached to the wheelchair to enable its user an autonomous movement; special cameras which will track the space and help users to avoid collisions within their house or flat; and finally an App for the smartphone which makes the whole system work.
According to the website, the new system has a lot of advantages compared to an ordinary cumbersome joystick. It is easy to use, because one only needs to voice the place one wants to go or tap it on one's smartphone.
The project was initiated by Russian citizen Valery Spiridonov, famous for his interest in various fields of technology, including cranial transplantation. Valery, who is also disabled, is a very passionate scientist who specializes in engineering, programming and 3D modeling and wants to make life for disabled people easier.
The autopilot wheelchair system is expected to cost about $250 when it goes on sale. Currently the team is raising funds to complete the project and bring it to the market.