Last Sunday, the solidarity shown by the world's largest non-Western powers provided a solid counter to any speculation over Russia's alleged isolation, according to Lepekhin.
"On the contrary, it is Russia which is contributing to a fundamentally new type of international relations based on respectful, equal and responsible relations rather than demagoguery and the use of force for promoting the special interests of exclusive countries," he said apparently referring to the US.

Lepekhin recalled that last Tuesday, British MP Andrew Mitchell accused Russia of launching air strikes on civilians in Syria's Aleppo, which he said "match the behavior of the Nazi regime in Guernica in Spain" in 1937. According to him, Russia is allegedly "shredding international law."
"It seems that Mitchell clearly got confused over his history of Syria because he decided to attribute the US Air Force's permanent actions to Russia; as for Aleppo, it should compared to Dresden, destroyed by British aircraft in WWII, or even Stalingrad, razed to the ground by the Nazis," Lepekhin said.
Commenting on Mitchell's remarks, he slammed them as "another lie about Russia and one of thousands of attacks launched against Russia during a cynical and systemic war which has nothing to do with international law."
He said that the West's information war against Russia includes "tens of millions of recruits", among them analysts, politicians, showmen, journalists, as well as IT and advertising experts.

"I am sure that their total number certainly exceeds the number of servicemen the Pentagon and NATO currently use in all global hot spots," he said.
According to Lepekhin, the main lines of the Western information attacks to support its struggle for global dominance are associated with the promotion in the media of the so-called four D principle, which comprises disinformation, discrediting, defamation and demagoguery.
He recalled that while the BRICS summit's final declaration condemned military interventions and unilateral sanctions without threatening anyone, the Foreign Ministers of the US, the UK, France and Germany met in London in order to once again shift the blame of the unleashing of the war in Syria from the West to Russia.
They also discussed a spate of the use of force-related measures that would force Russia to cease attacks on terrorists in Aleppo, Lepekhin added.
"I believe that a concrete goal of the anti-Russian campaign in Syria is to create a 'war-criminal' image of Moscow and then bring the case on Russia's alleged 'crimes' to the International Criminal Court (ICC)," he pointed out.
Needless to say, all these accusations hold no water, especially given that it is Russia which is doing its best to prevent the death of innocent civilians in Aleppo, something that comes amid Moscow's efforts to launch negotiations on achieving peace in the region, Lepekhin said.
"It is the US warplanes bombing Belgrade, Baghdad or Tripoli which should be likened to war crimes and which should be compared to the crimes committed by Nazi Germany during the Second World War," he said.
As for Andrew Mitchell's attempts to draw parallels between Aleppo and Guernica, it is yet another example of demagoguery aimed divert the world's attention from the real war crimes committed by the Pentagon and some other Western structures, Lepekhin concluded.