Assad Says Moscow Does Not Pressure Damascus, Only Gives Advice

© Sputnik / Alexei Druzhinin / Go to the mediabankPresident Vladimir Putin meets with President of Syria Bashar al-Assad
President Vladimir Putin meets with President of Syria Bashar al-Assad - Sputnik International
Moscow does not put pressure on Damascus, but sometimes gives advice, Syrian President Bashar Assad said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 and NTV television channels.

Russian aircraft at the Hmeymim Air Base in Syria. - Sputnik International
Russian, Iranian Support Enhances Syrian Army's Determination to Fight - Assad
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russian officials say that Damascus should itself decide what decision to make, Assad said.

"They [Russian representatives] constantly talk to us when they want to share their opinions or give advice: 'ultimately, it is your homeland and you decide which solution is right and acceptable to you.' In general, the nature of the Russian state is not prone to pressure. And on our part we are on the right political course, consistently acting in the common interests — both Syrian and Russian," Assad said.

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