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Is Fascism Making a Comeback?

20170301_Hard Facts_Navid_Nasr_ENG
With the election of Trump, and the increasing popularity of right-wing and far-right parties across Europe, John Wight asks if we are indeed seeing the return of fascism in the 21st century?

The word fascism has long been overused in our political discourse, used to attack or denigrate anything we happen to dislike or oppose. However, much worse than overuse and misuse of the word fascism is complacency in the belief that it died with Hitler. It did not. Fascism, like cancer, may lie dormant within the body politic, but the potential for it erupting and spreading obliges every generation to remain vigilant.

With Trump's election as President, and with the centrifugal forces at the heart of the EU and collapsing liberal order dominated by the right and far right, terms such as white supremacy and white nationalism are being increasingly heard in the mainstream. Moreover, when you have President Trump's chief political adviser Steve Bannon railing against the "collapse of the Judeo Christian civilization in Europe," which he did in a speech at a gathering of American conservatives last year, has the time come to sound a warning?

On this episode of Hard Facts, John is joined by writer and political analyst Navid Nasr to ponder the question, 'Is fascism making a comeback?'

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