As counting gets underway in elections in Northern Ireland, can political stability return to the province following the most tense political crisis since the Good Friday peace agreement was signed almost 20 years ago? Or will the outcome mean further political stalemate that could result in direct rule being re-imposed from London?
Women are weaker, smaller and less intelligent than men and therefore should be paid less than men — no I’m not reading from a decades old manuscript, those are the actual words of an actual member of the European Parliament. A lone thought, or proof that sexism in politics is still rife?
With less than two weeks until the Dutch General election, many commentators are predicting a shift towards far-right populism in the Netherlands following the rise of Geert Wilders’ ‘Freedom Party’ — but has the Wilders’ phenomenon been overblown? And why is nobody talking about the simultaneous surge in support for left leaning, pro Europe parties?
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