Comey has granted the producers of "Inside the FBI: New York," a new USA reality show, access to the bureau's New York offices. The series was created by Dick Wolf, the man behind “Law and Order,” and Marc Levin, who created the show "Brick City.”
Explaining why he would involve the agency in a reality show, Comey said that he “worries sometimes that people don’t know us.” He added that “we did a lot last year that confused people.”
“I don’t know if the people actually appreciate the pressure that we are under in preventing something from happening here in the homeland,” an agent tells the camera at the end of the preview for the show.
The show is set to premiere on April 27, and Comey hopes that it will help people understand that the agency is not partisan.
“If you see the world through sides, the FBI doesn’t make a lot of sense to you,” Comey said.
“We are not on anybody’s side. We really don’t care."