news outlet said Tuesday that the weekly editions section of the Publihebdos publishing group, which operates in northwestern France, was requested by judge Serge Tournaire to submit "all the published articles mentioning Mme Penelope Fillon namely the articles telling about her participation in the local events (inaugurations, official ceremonies, visits to hospitals, retirement homes, art exhibitions, various competitions, etc.) published between 1998 and 2016."
The request applied to such weeklies as L’Action Républicaine, le Perche, l’Orne Hebdo, Le Petit Courrier du Val de Loir – L’Echo de la Vallée du Loir, Le Journal de l’Orne and Les Nouvelles de Sablé was dated April 19, the media said, adding that it was made before the first round of the French presidential election in which Fillon participated.
In March, Fillon, and then later his wife, was both placed under formal investigation. Fillon has repeatedly denied all allegations.