He added that this work was necessitated by the specifics of Russia’s Arctic regions and the challenges currently being faced by the Northern Fleet.
He also mentioned the work on a new outfit for Russian soldiers serving in the harsh conditions of the Arctic, as one of the FRF’s priority tasks.
“We are working on a new generation of robotic, hydro-acoustic and sonar systems, advanced methods of locating undersea targets, self-contained power stations, and communications and navigation gear,” Igor Denisov continued.
As part of its medical and biological studies, the ARF is also developing a “microchip lab” to examine the health condition of submariners during long cruises.
The Future Research Fund is an advanced military research agency. Founded in 2012, the FRF is tasked with informing the country’s leadership on projects that can ensure Russian superiority in defense technology.
In late 2015 a robotics center was established as part of the FRF.
The Future Research Fund is currently working on more than 50 projects at Russia’s leading universities, research institutes and defense enterprises.
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