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Trump's First Leaker Prosecution

Trump’s First Leaker Prosecution
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Trump’s First Leaker Prosecution
On today's episode of Fault Lines, Garland and Lee discuss the arrest of a contractor who leaked NSA information in Georgia; is the reality of the story getting lost? Also, they discuss the endgame nobody is talking about for the Kurds in Syria as well as an update on the London attack and more on Qatar.
On today's episode of Fault Lines, Garland and Lee discuss the arrest of a contractor who leaked NSA information in Georgia; is the reality of the story getting lost? Also, they discuss the endgame nobody is talking about for the Kurds in Syria as well as an update on the London attack and more on Qatar.

The arrest of a contractor who leaked NSA information to online magazine The Intercept, but Lee and Garland asked whether what's being reported matches the reality of what the report actually says.

In round two, Kurdish forces are fighting Daesh in Syria and a shocking statement made about the endgame; will a victory on the ground in Syria lead to even more conflict in the future?

In round three, authorities in London are learning more about the attackers while the war of words continues to fly between London's Mayor and President Trump. Also will have an update on the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

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