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Trump Says Realized 'How Bad, Fake' CNN is After Being 'Forced' to Watch it

The US president has opened a new round in his crusade against CNN he accuses of spreading so-called "fake news" after returning from his long tour to the Asia-Pacific. Trump has also pledged that the results of his "successful" trip would be seen "for many years to come."

US President Donald Trump has again lashed out at CNN, calling it "bad" and "fake" after he had been "forced" to watch it, while being in the Philippines.

He went on to praise his favorite TV channel, Fox News, that would be "showing much of our successful trip to Asia, and the friendships & benefits that will endure for years to come!"

Since Trump assumed office, many US media outlets, including CNN, have accused the US president's team of allegedly having ties to the Kremlin, with Trump refuting these allegations and labeling the media involved in these speculations "fake news."

Previously, the US president slammed the "failing" The New York Times, as well as CNN, NBC ABC and CBS over allegedly being "the enemy of the American People" and several other US media outlets over "fake news" reports and called for a probe into US media spreading "fake news."

In summer, Trump posted a video of himself "beating" a person whose face had been replaced by a CNN logo.

President Trump speaks as he holds a joint news conference with Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington - Sputnik International
Trump Urges US Intel Panel to Investigate American Media Spreading 'Fake News'
In the course of Trump's rift with mainstream media outlets, a Morning Consult/Politico poll released in October has shown that half of US voters think that mainstream news outlets push out false content, when publishing articles on US President Donald Trump.

According to another poll conducted by renowned French pollster Ifop, 59 percent of Americans believe that MSM coverage of international and domestic agenda in their country is biased.

READ MORE: Nearly 60 Percent of Americans Think Mainstream Media Coverage Biased — Poll

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