The findings of a recent study into the impact of 7 years of austerity in the UK could not be more explosive. The authors of this study, a group of academics and researchers, have calculated that the deaths of 120,000 since 2010 are linked to the austerity economic policies that were rolled out in response to the global financial and economic crash of 2007/08, which ensued as a result not of profligate public spending, as the UK Tory government claimed, but private greed on the part of the rich — in particular a de-regulated banking and finance industry.
Yet in the week of the publication of this report in the UK's Independent news website, the entire UK mainstream media was fixated on Russia as part of a non-ending campaign of ant-Russian hysteria that has the entire West, it seems, in its fevered grip.
On this episode, George Galloway sits down with John to dissect both the historical and moral implications of the report into the lethal impact of austerity in the UK, and the ideological and political motives that are driving what has now become a neo-McCarthyite 'Russians under the bed' narrative, one that evinces no evidence of abating anytime soon.
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