On Wednesday, a mysterious object was spotted over Lucerne's Littau district, as in the evening a reporter from the Swiss news portal 20 Minuten looked out of her kitchen's window and spotted the mysterious object. She immediately pulled out her mobile phone and took a picture of it.
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"The object with a tail just remained still in the sky, it did not move at all for two or three minutes. Then the object suddenly turned right and disappeared," the witness said.
Un #OVNI filmé dans le ciel de Littau en Suisse #ufo https://t.co/0uT1GeSQaS pic.twitter.com/sa0GuNcuSe
— Wakonda (@Wakonda1) March 19, 2018
Skyguide's spokesperson Vladi Barrosa commented on the issue, saying that "in technical terminology, the phenomenon is considered to be a UFO, which means that the flying object is still unidentified. It does not mean that this object is a flying saucer, it is just an object in the sky that has not yet been identified."
The air navigation service provider will continue to examine the phenomenon.