On this episode of The Critical Hour with Dr. Wilmer Leon, we'll examine the Mint Press article that quotes Dubois, "Capitalism cannot reform itself; it is doomed to self-destruction," while adding that in the US, race would be a key issue in that process. Thus, he would have had much to say when, around last Memorial Day, Trump suggested that NFL players peacefully protesting police killings of black people did not belong "in the country."
One of the elements of this piece is that there is an extreme right-wing capitalist agenda prevailing and unchallenged in this country that is pushing private capitalists' goals and race is one of the elements being used as a cover. What's your take?
The author points out these cycles, we had the great depression then the New Deal brought about by a coalition of industrial unions, two socialist parties, and one communist party. Then New Deal programs were attacked by Republicans, in 2008-2009, the absence of a serious left opposition precluded anything like another New Deal. Now, centrist Democratic Party leadership waits for Trump's demise and another looming crisis.
The author argues that racism in the US had settled deeply into the economics, politics and culture of the US since its inception. It had adjusted itself to capitalism and vice-versa. Their interdependence or partnership was deeply structured. What's your take on that historically and is it playing itself out in todays political narrative?
It's Friday, time for our panel discussion on hot topics. This week Israel took center stage by approving the Nation State Bill. The Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People; Jews have a unique right to national self-determination there and puts Hebrew above Arabic as the official language. Is this apartheid all over again?
Also,Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie take are trying to take their message to Kansas, but Brent Welder, a former labor lawyer running on a platform of "Medicare for All," a $15 an hour minimum wage, tuition-free public college, and reducing big money's influence in politics, is taking his message to Kansas. Which will win out. Is there a progressive tinge that is starting to break through?
Lastly we'll discuss, who CAN and CAN'T beat Trump in 2020?
We'll discuss all these topics and more!
Dr. Shayla C. Nunnally — Associate Professor with a joint appointment in Political Science and Africana Studies Institute at the University of Connecticut. She specializes in public opinion and political behavior, race and politics, African American public opinion and political behavior, and black political development and is the author of Trust in Black America: Race, Discrimination, and Politics.
Caleb Maupin — Journalist and political analyst who focuses his coverage on US foreign policy and the global system of monopoly capitalism and imperialism.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson — Author and political analyst, the host of the weekly Hutchinson Report on KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles and the Pacifica Network. His latest book is Why Black Lives Do Matter.
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