Report on Russians Targeting Blacks to Influence US Election Lacks Evidence
It is now being reported that the alleged Russian influence campaign on social media during the 2016 election made an extraordinary effort to target African-Americans, used an array of tactics to try to suppress turnout among Democratic voters and unleashed a blizzard of activity on Instagram that rivaled or exceeded its posts on Facebook, according to a report produced for the Senate Intelligence Committee. Really?
Well, let's dig a bit deeper into this because accuracy and context are very important.
The Senate is due to take up the First Step Act later today with a vote hopefully taking place by the end of the week. It's a bill with co-sponsors from both parties and an endorsement from President Donald Trump. The original version of the bill passed the House with more than 350 votes, and Speaker Paul Ryan was among the backers. Where is it now, and what do we have to look forward to?
Is President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sending mixed messages in Turkey? Turkey may start a new military operation in Syria at any moment, Erdogan said earlier today, adding that US President Trump had given a positive response to Turkey's plans for an operation east of the Euphrates.
What's going on with this?
Jakelin Caal was traveling with her father from Guatemala to the US when they were apprehended at the border near Lordsburg, New Mexico. The two were separated and taken into custody, and about eight hours later, the little girl began having seizures. It is reported that she had a 105.9-degree temperature and was revived twice by medical technicians before being flown by helicopter to a hospital in El Paso, where she died. The ACLU is now demanding answers.
Greg Palast — Author and award-winning investigative reporter featured in The Guardian, Nation Magazine, Rolling Stone Magazine, BBC and other high profile media outlets.
Brian Williams — Co-founder and partner at Wayne and Reed, a tech consultancy and venture builder.
Kara Gotsch — Director of strategic initiatives at The Sentencing Project, for which she oversees federal advocacy work and develops special projects and partnerships to advance the organizational mission of reducing mass incarceration.
Dr. Gerald Horne — Professor of history at the University of Houston and author of many books, including Blows Against the Empire: US Imperialism in Crisis.
Pedro Rios — Director of the American Friends Service Committee's US Mexico/Border Program who has been on staff with AFSC for 15 years. A native San Diegan, Pedro has worked on immigrant rights and border issues for over 20 years. He became active on immigration issues in the early 1990s, when California was debating the passage of Proposition 187, the anti-immigrant initiative that was later ruled unconstitutional.
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