Venezuela's senior military figures signal backing for President Nicolás Maduro, as Russia, China, Iran, Syria and Cuba have come down on one side. The United States, Canada and countries in Western Europe are on the other. Senior figures in the Venezuelan military came out in support of Maduro today, a day after the US said it no longer recognized him as the country's leader and backed the opposition's Juan Guaidó instead. The geopolitical fault lines are clear. The US has decided to ignore the democratic process in Venezuela and is working to overtly orchestrate a coup, while at the same time accusing Russia of violating US law and undermining the US democratic process. What does this mean going forward?
The Senate took its first votes today on competing Republican and Democratic plans to end the partial government shutdown. The Republican bill includes funding for President Donald Trump's border wall, while the Democratic plan does not. The Republican bill failed 50-47. Republicans needed 60 votes for it to get a full vote on the floor. The Democratic plan lost 52-44, and likewise would have needed 60 votes were needed to continue. As this shutdown drags on and decimates the finances of federal employees and contractors, Trump's Commerce Secretary does not understand the angst surrounding the impact. Meanwhile, a new report titled "The Racial Wealth Divide" further examines US economic failures and highlights how the racial wealth divide has grown between white households and households of colour. Since the early 1980s, median wealth among black and Latino families has been stuck at less than $10,000. Meanwhile, white household median wealth grew from $105,300 to $140,500, adjusting for inflation.
President Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen indefinitely postponed his upcoming congressional testimony yesterday, citing "ongoing threats against his family from President Trump" and his attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani. Allegedly, the threats from the duo reached Cohen and his family as recently as this past weekend, according to a statement from Cohen's attorney, Lanny Davis. Trump responded yesterday to the announcement, denying the allegations. "He's only been threatened by the truth," the president said. When does a line get crossed?
Jon Jeter - Author and two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist with more than 20 years of journalistic experience. He is a former Washington Post bureau chief and award-winning foreign correspondent.
Dr. Anthony Monteiro — Author, activist, DuBois Scholar and former professor in the African American Studies Department at Temple University.
Eugene Craig III - Republican strategist, former vice-chair of the Maryland Republican Party and grassroots activist.
Dedrick Asante-Muhammad — Director of the Racial Wealth Divide Initiative at Prosperity Now.
Daniel Lazare — Journalist and author of three books: The Frozen Republic, The Velvet Coup, and America's Undeclared War.
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