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Is Iowa's Fiasco Due to Agents Behind Dark Money and Disinformation Campaigns?

Is Iowa's Fiasco Due to Agents Behind Dark Money and Disinformation Campaigns?
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Is Iowa's Fiasco Due to Agents Behind Dark Money and Disinformation Campaigns?
On today’s episode of The Critical Hour, Dr. Wilmer Leon is joined by Chris Garaffa, web developer and technologist; and Max Blumenthal, co-founder of The Grayzone Project.

On Tuesday, The Grayzone founder Max Blumenthal reported: "Behind the app that delayed Iowa’s voting results is a dark money operation funded by anti-Bernie Sanders billionaires. Its top donor Seth Klarman is a [Pete] Buttigieg backer who has dumped money into pro-settler Israel lobby groups. ... [J]ournalist Lee Fang reported that a previously unknown tech outfit called Shadow Inc. had contracted with the Iowa Democratic Party to create the failed technology. The firm was comprised of former staffers for Obama and Clinton as well as the tech industry, and had been paid for 'software rights' by the Buttigieg campaign." In a Thursday article, Blumenthal wrote, "The force accused of sowing the confusion and disarray surrounding the first Democratic Party contest of the 2020 election season is a dark money nonprofit called Acronym. It was Acronym that launched Shadow Inc, the mysterious company behind the now-infamous, unsecured, completely unworkable voter app which prevented precinct chairs from reporting vote totals on caucus night." Why does all of this matter?

Democrats face a choice after US President Donald Trump’s acquittal on Wednesday in his Senate impeachment trial: do they continue going down this rabbit hole, or do they shift into 2020 election mode and speak to the issues that matter to average Americans? The Washington Post reported: "On Wednesday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) suggested that it was a matter of time before the chamber would call [former national security adviser John] Bolton. 'When you have a lawless president, you have to bring that to the fore. You have to spotlight that,' Nadler told reporters. 'You have to protect the Constitution, whatever the political consequences.'” Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) of all people seems to be a voice of reason here, saying, “We also have to have our own idea and vision. We can’t win the next election just being against Trump. We have to be for something,” the Post reported.

"China’s biggest telecommunications equipment maker will square off in court against the No. 1 US wireless carrier over whether Verizon Communications Inc should pay Huawei Technologies Co Ltd for patent infringement," Reuters reported Thursday. This I find incredibly ironic, since one of the biggest complaints that US companies have against China is intellectual property infringement and reverse engineering. What’s at stake here?


Richard Lachmann — American sociologist, specialist in comparative historical sociology and professor at the University at Albany, SUNY. Lachmann is best known as the author of the book "Capitalists in Spite of Themselves," which has been awarded several prizes, including the American Sociological Association Distinguished Scholarly Book Award.

Chris Garaffa — Web developer and technologist.    

Max Blumenthal — Co-founder of The Grayzone Project.

Dr. Jack Rasmus — Professor of economics at Saint Mary's College of California and author of "Central Bankers at the End of Their Ropes: Monetary Policy and the Coming Depression."  

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