Mark Frost - Economist, Professor, Consultant, and Libertarian | Economic Outlook for America, Different States Economies During Lockdowns, and Broken Glass Theory
Tyler Nixon - Attorney, Media Relations Specialist | Lynn Cheyney, Postal Service Spying, and Biden Not Available to Media
In the first hour, Lee and John spoke with Mark Frost on America's economic status, the negatives of raising the minimum wage, and people refusing to look for work. Mark talked about the people in his part of Georgia who are tired of the COVID mandates and media focus on the pandemic. Mark discussed the job growth numbers rising and certain people making more money on unemployment.
In the second hour, Lee and John spoke with Tyler Nixon on the Supreme Court hearing a concealed carry case, the media ratings down after Trump is gone from office, and the Bush Family in 2021. Tyler spoke on the failures of the Biden administration and the lack of leadership from President Biden. Tyler talked about the Postal Office now in the business of spying on Americans.
We also touch upon fresh sanctions that the UK imposes on individuals accused of serious corruption in Russia, as well as in South Africa and Latin America.
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