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Notorious Neocon Donald Rumsfeld Has Died at Age 88; Africa Looks to the East

Notorious Neocon Donald Rumsfeld has died at age 88; Africa Looks to the East
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Notorious Neocon Donald Rumsfeld has died at age 88; Africa Looks to the East
Afghanistan and Iraq war architect Donald Rumsfeld has died at the age of 88, and Bill Cosby's conviction has been vacated in Pennsylvania.
Gerald Horne, professor of history at the University of Houston, author, historian, and researcher, joins us to talk about the US claim of worldwide rules-based order. Dr. Horne discusses the odd phrase that is at the core of US policy. He argues that the term implies a clear and well-established set of rules, but in actuality, it is exactly the opposite. 
Caleb Maupin, journalist and political analyst, joins us to discuss several domestic legal cases. The CEO of President Trump's political organization may soon be charged for potentially illegal business dealings. Also, comedian Bill Cosby was released from prison in Pennsylvania after his case was vacated by the state's supreme court. 
Ted Rall, political cartoonist and syndicated columnist, joins us to talk about Julian Assange. Caitlyn Johnstone has an interesting article in which she complains about the astonishing admissions by the US government's star witness and the lack of coverage in the Western press. Also, a group of Australian MPs call on President Joe Biden to drop all charges against the beleaguered publisher. 
Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink, joins us to talk about the death of Donald Rumsfeld. Donald Rumsfeld, one of the principal architects of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, has died at the age of 88. Rumsfeld is viewed as emblematic of the Bush administration's hawkish neocon foreign policy and is best known for talking gibberish when confronted about hypocritical and/or counterproductive foreign policies. 
Linwood Tauheed, associate professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, joins us to discuss economics. Dr. Tauheed discusses the fundamental contradiction of neoliberal economics. While the concept is based on the rhetoric of rejecting government intervention in the market, in practical application, it is based on a system in which the government continually funnels huge amounts of capital into a perpetually failing corporate structure.
Teodrose Fikre, journalist and founder of Ghionjournal.com, joins us to talk about Ethiopia. Ethiopia is at a pivotal point both militarily and politically as the Tigray situation has spun out of control. The combined issues of civilian deaths and a restive next-door neighbor seem to be enough to destabilize the African nation.
Miko Peled, author and activist, joins us to talk about his latest article on Israel. Miko discusses the brutal death of Palestinian activist Nizar Banat at the hands of the Palestinian Authority. As demonstrations continue, Miko argues that this particular incident should be viewed as part of the entire dynamic of occupation as opposed to as a single event.
Netfa Freeman, host of Voices With Vision on WPFW 89.3 FM, pan-Africanist and internationalist organizer, joins us to talk about North Africa. Due to a long history of colonialism and oppression, many North African nations are turning to Russia, China, and even Turkey for economic expansion. 
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