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Evo Morales Moves to Crush Monroe Doctrine; Russian Anti-Aircraft Technology Dominates Syrian Skies

Evo Morales Moves to Crush Monroe Doctrine; Russian Anti-Aircraft Technology Dominates Syrian Skies
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Evo Morales Moves to Crush Monroe Doctrine; Russian Anti-Aircraft Technology Dominates Syrian Skies
Former Bolivian President Evo Morales is founding a new group that is intended to represent the needs and values of the indigenous and Afro people of Latin America.
Dr. Yolandra Hancock, board-certified pediatrician and obesity medicine specialist, joins us to discuss the pandemic. Concern over the Delta variant is hitting a fevered pitch as hospitalizations in the United States rise to numbers not seen since last February. For the first time since February 2020, more than 50,000 covid patients were hospitalized Monday, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Dan Cohen, filmmaker, and writer for the Gray Zone project, joins us to discuss top national security reporters in the US and their connections to the government. Dan joins our hosts in a discussion about his latest Mintpress news article, "Media and the Permanent War State: Top National Security Reporters Linked to US Government." Cohen says that "when you think of the military-industrial complex and the permanent war state, don’t forget about what might be the most important component of all: the media."
Laith Marouf, broadcaster and journalist based in Beirut, Lebanon, joins us to discuss Israel's latest military actions in the Middle East. Laith argues that Israeli militarism is destabilizing the region. He cites the current examples of Israel attacking southern Lebanon while arguing for a catastrophic war against Iran.
Alexander Mercouris, editor-in-chief at theduran.com & host of "The Duran'' on YouTube, joins us to discuss Russia and China's strategic partnership. China is hosting Russian troops for a major military exercise for the first time on Chinese soil. Mercouris argues that the partnership between the two world powers is growing, and the fertilizer is being provided by the aggressive foreign policy of the United States.
Kathy Kelly, American peace activist, joins us to discuss the congressional debate over the War Powers Act. A congressional debate over the future of the War Powers Act and the authorization for the use of military force is creating a dynamic in which GOP hawks will come face to face with the party's small, but popular libertarian non-interventionist wing. Also, US peace groups are calling on President Biden to adopt a "no first use of nuclear weapons" policy.
Mark Sleboda, Moscow-based international relations security analyst, joins us to discuss the domination of Russian anti-aircraft technology in the Syrian skies. Syrian air defense forces have been having increased success in defeating Israeli missile attacks using advanced Russian anti-aircraft units. Sleboda discusses whether this is a result of changing policies in the Kremlin as Russia seeks to stabilize its war-torn ally.
Teri Matson, Latin American coordinator for CodePink, joins us to discuss the new organization that is being created in Latin America to counter the Washington, DC-based regime change organization known as the OAS. Morales is expounding upon the comments by Mexico's president in which he argued for a new organization to counter US domination of the Global South.
Author and speaker Vijay Prashad joins us to discuss China's work to build a relationship with the incoming Afghanistan government. Chinese diplomats have been meeting with Taliban leaders and facing the reality that the theocratic political organization is likely to soon take power in Kabul. Our guest argues that the Chinese government is working to secure economic ties, advance their "Belt and Road" initiative, and counter the ETIM's terror threat in Xinjiang.
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