Biden’s Disinformation Czar Pushed ‘Trump-Russia Collusion’ Conspiracy in 2016, Old Tweets Show
19:09 GMT 10.05.2022 (Updated: 19:24 GMT 10.05.2022)
© Photo / Twitter/ @wiczipediaNina Jankowicz on Twitter

© Photo / Twitter/ @wiczipedia
The conspiracy theory positing that Donald Trump colluded with the Kremlin to steal the 2016 election was heavily pushed by Democrat lawmakers and media throughout his presidency. The debunked claim has gotten renewed attention thanks to special counsel John Durham’s probe into allegations that the ‘collusion’ story was planted by Hillary Clinton.
Nina Jankowicz, the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ czar tasked with tackling falsehoods online, was actively involved in peddling the ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ conspiracy theory going all the way back to its origins in mid-2016, an analysis of her social media posts first carried out by the Washington Examiner has revealed.
“Husband texted me ‘you have news to wake up to’. Never thought it would be this. Confirms our worst fears about Trump. I am horrified,” Jankowicz wrote in a retweet of a post by Hillary Clinton on 1 November 2016 regarding Trump’s alleged “secret server…set up to communicate privately with a Putin-tied Russian bank called Alfa Bank.”
Last year, Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussman was indicted for making false statements to the FBI about this supposed ‘secret server’.
“Trump had not one, but two secret email servers to communicate with influential Russian bank. Unbelievable,” Jankowicz wrote in a second tweet the same day, linking to a Slate article penned by a contributor the Durham probe has since revealed was fed Trump-Russia-related disinformation by Fusion GPS, an opposition research firm hired by the Clinton campaign to dig up dirt on the business mogul.
Jankowicz’s Trump-Russia conspiracy-mongering goes back further. On 24 September 2016, she tweeted out a statement by the Clinton campaign about Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page’s alleged “chilling ties to the Kremlin.”
“Trump’s Kremlin ties don’t end at [former Trump campaign chief Paul] Manafort. This is serious people,” Jankowicz warned.
Page was exonerated of any “chilling ties” to Russia after the release of the Mueller report in 2019, with former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith getting a slap on the wrist penalty of probation for falsifying Page’s surveillance application in early 2021. As for Manafort, he was cleared of some 16 state felony charges in 2019, with Trump pardoning him shortly before leaving office in January 2021.
In July 2016, Jankowicz shared another Slate piece, commenting that “there seems to be a lot of angst about this @FranklinFoer piece this morning. I agree that we can’t and shouldn’t claim that Putin is directly meddling in this race. But do we want a president that has so many shady and cozy ties with Russia? No. So yeah, this piece is a must-read.”
In August, while retweeting a post by Democratic strategist Adam Parkhomenko on Manafort’s resignation, Jankowicz again warned that Manafort was “not Trump’s only connection to #Russia and #Putin.”
The same month, she shared a link to a Clinton campaign handout on “five questions every voter should ask about Donald Trump’s bizarre relationship with Russia,” commenting that “foreign policy matters.”
In a TinyLetter post on 6 November, 2016, two days before the election, Jankowicz wrote a link-filled short essay about Trump’s supposed worrying “connections with the Russian netherworld,” expressing hopes that soon the Republican would be vanquished and granted Russian citizenship like Steven Seagal, but also fears about what would happen if Trump actually won. “What started months ago as me making jokes about Donald Trump’s ‘bromance’ with Putin has actually become an existential threat to our country,” she wrote.
Jankowicz assured readers that the US was ready to “strike back” against Russia’s electric grid, telecommunications and the Kremlin’s command systems should Moscow actually meddle in the election, complained about alleged Russian “disinformation” soaked up by the Trump campaign, and lamented that Putin doesn’t really care about the race, since he’s already “gotten what he wanted…a divided and weakened America.”
Jankowicz continued to peddle the Trump-Russia collusion claims well after Clinton’s loss, asking in December 2016 whether Putin was the “Geppetto” to Trump’s Pinocchio while linking to a Politico 'collusion' story, and continuing along the same vein through 2017.
Jankowicz was tapped to run Biden’s ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ on 27 April, and is tasked with cracking down on dis- and misinformation on hot topics ranging from the Ukraine crisis to coronavirus vaccine-hesitant viewpoints dubbed as 'antivaxxer'. Soon after, media began unearthing a series of embarrassing TikTok and YouTube videos in which she crooned about “information laundering” and her desire to be “famous and powerful.”
Critics of the 'Disinformation Governance Board' have dubbed it an Orwellian and unconstitutional 'Ministry of Truth'.