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Watch Russian Tanks Provide Fire Support to Motorized Riflemen

© Sputnik /  / Go to the mediabankT-72 tank in the zone of special military operation in Ukraine
T-72 tank in the zone of special military operation in Ukraine - Sputnik International, 1920, 28.04.2023
The T-72B3 tank is a modernized version of the popular T-72 tank. It has improved armor protection, a new digital fire control system, and the ability to fire guided missiles. Its main armament is a 125mm smoothbore gun, capable of firing a variety of ammunition types including high explosive, armor-piercing and guided missiles.
The Russian Defense Ministry has released a video showing tank crews providing fire support to motorized riflemen, ensuring the advance of Russian troops in the zone of the special military operation.
According to the ministry, tanks operate from an enclosed firing position, acting as self-propelled artillery pieces. This allows the crews to remain undetected.
Crews hit targets located at significant distances and out of direct line of sight. The UAV's coordinates are used to destroy observation posts, ammunition depots, foreign combat vehicles and enemy manpower, the Russian Defense Ministry added.
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