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Putin Speaks at Eastern Economic Forum; Kim Jong Un in Russia; Is France Planning Niger Attack?

Putin Speaks at Eastern Economic Forum; Kim Jong Un in Russia; Is France Planning Niger Attack?
President Putin changes his nation's economic pivot to the East at the Eastern Economic Forum.
Mark Sleboda, international relations and security analyst, joins us to discuss Russia and Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on various subjects at the Eastern Economic Forum. Mark Sleboda says the forum aims to promote economic advancement and investment in Russian Asia. He says that Russia is focused on its pivot to Asia and the Eastern region is crucial to the success of that venture.
Dr. Gerald Horne, Professor of History at the University of Houston, TX, author, historian, and researcher, joins us to discuss how the Ukraine conflict ends. The US empire has painted itself into a corner and closed most exits from the Ukraine conflict. Dr. Horne says that Washington neocons may attempt to argue that Russia was trying to seize massive amounts of land in Eastern Europe, and since that has not happened, they will claim victory.
Thomas Mountain, journalist and historian, joins us to discuss Africa. The leadership of Niger is accusing France of setting up weapons and troops for military intervention in their nation. Thomas Mountain says that the French President is a domestic emperor. He also believes the US is trying to detach the West African colonies from the French neo-colonial empire. Additionally, many ECOWAS states are unstable and could face internal instability if they join France in an intervention against Niger.
Jim Kavanagh, whose work can be found at Jim Kavanagh's Substack, thepolemicist.net, joins us to discuss domestic politics. According to an article at The Greanville Post, Donald Trump was the beneficiary of a two-party system that refused to address the needs of the working class. Jim Kavanagh argues that Barack Obama came in on a promise of hope and change but failed to deliver and that people voted for Donald Trump to get revenge on the establishment. Also, most people outside the United States believe the charges against Donald Trump are political.
Laith Marouf, broadcaster and journalist based in Beirut, Lebanon, joins us to discuss the Middle East. The US has completed a prisoner exchange deal with Iran that could free up billions of seized Iranian funds. Laith Marouf says that the US has pirated a billion dollars worth of Iranian oil from a ship traveling to China and is simply looking to get some of its spies back. Also, he feels that the US empire is looking to confront Russia in the Syrian region.
Dr. David Oualaalou, international geopolitical consultant, veteran, and author of many books, including "The Dynamics of Russia's Geopolitics: Remaking the Global Order," international security analyst, and host of the "Geopolitics in Conflict" Show on YT, joins us to discuss foreign policy. The US policy for containing China was laid out in Ukraine. Dr. Ouallaou says Ukraine is a springboard for the Taiwan and South China Sea conflict. He says China is too powerful for the US containment policy to be effective. He also says that the Asian nations in China's region will not be as eager to sacrifice their economic viability and join the US in its crusade.
Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, joins us to discuss 9/11. Patrick Lawrence has penned an article in which he discusses the issue of American exceptionalism and how that mindset moves the US empire towards violent confrontations worldwide. He questions whether the US can continue as a viable nation if that mindset is changed. Ray McGovern says that, as small children are taught, there are a limited number of things in this world that humans must share. Ray says that Russia supporting China is a tectonic shift that cannot be ignored and that the Biden administration has no wise advisors.
Dan Kovalik, writer, author, and lawyer, joins us to discuss the 1973 US coup in Chile. The Puebla group is demanding an apology from the US for the 1973 coup that destroyed the economy of Chile. Dan Kovalik says that the people did not support the US coup, and a "fascist government" was needed to employ neoliberal policies. He also says Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela are good examples of resistance against the US empire.
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