- Sputnik International, 1920
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Israeli-Hamas Conflict Turns Into 'Perfect Storm' for Ukraine

© AP Photo / Ukrainian Presidential Press OfficeUkraine's Zelensky
Ukraine's Zelensky  - Sputnik International, 1920, 17.10.2023
As the latest escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict shows no signs of abating, the United States may be poised to send its own military into the fray.
The US House Foreign Affairs Committee is now working on legislation that would authorize the use of US military force if Iran or Hezbollah become involved in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, the committee’s chair Michael McCaul told the media.
McCaul delivered this revelation as the US has already sent two of its aircraft carrier strike groups to the Eastern Mediterranean, while Israel has implored the United States to provide some $10 billion emergency aid, one American newspaper claims, citing “three officials familiar with the request.”
With all the Western spotlight the Gaza Strip conflict is getting, it has become a serious problem for the Kiev regime boss Volodymyr Zelensky who has got “knocked off the headlines,” says Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.
According to him, it is “hard to even find news on what's going on with Russia and Ukraine,” and it is unclear whether the Biden administration will succeed in convincing the Congress to pass a bill that would lump together billions of dollars’ worth of aid for Israel and Ukraine.
“I mean, it's a perfect storm for Zelensky. The members of Congress, at least publicly, are absolutely overwhelming in their support for Israel. That takes precedence over literally every other issue,” McAdams said.
He also suggested that there is “certainly an awakening when it comes to Ukraine,” as it becomes increasingly apparent that the overhyped Ukrainian offensive ended in failure and that all the money and lives the United States “dumped” into the Ukrainian project, all of this has been for naught.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the closing press conference after the joint meeting of BRICS leaders with leaders of invited countries and multilateral organizations. - Sputnik International, 1920, 12.10.2023
Zelensky’s Statement on Final Stage of Conflict Shows Hopelessness - Lavrov
Meanwhile, the ongoing crisis in the Middle East may pose a much bigger problem to global security than the Ukrainian conflict, McAdams added.
“I don't know how you gentlemen feel, but I was worried about World War Three when it was Russia and Ukraine. I'm about ten times more worried right now with the Israel situation. Israel, Hamas, Iran, two carrier groups, Hezbollah, Lebanon. I mean, talk about a cauldron of danger. I think it's much more dangerous,” he maintained.
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