- Sputnik International, 1920
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Iran General Staff Found No Traces of Bullets on Crashed Helicopter of Raisi

© AFP 2023 / AZIN HAGHIGHIRescue team members work at the crash site of a helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Varzaghan, in northwestern Iran, on May 20, 2024.
Rescue team members work at the crash site of a helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Varzaghan, in northwestern Iran, on May 20, 2024.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.05.2024
TEHRAN (Sputnik) - The General Staff of the Iranian armed forces published on Thursday the preliminary results of the investigation and found no bullet marks were found on the crashed helicopter of late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.
No bullet marks or similar damage were found on the components of the crashed helicopter, the press service of Iran's General Staff said, as quoted by the Tasnim news agency.
The pilot of the crashed helicopter was in contact with the pilots of the other two helicopters of the motorcade before the accident, and the helicopter caught fire after colliding with a hill, the General Staff added.
A view of the Kremlin with Spasskaya Tower and St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russia. - Sputnik International, 1920, 22.05.2024
'Insult Directed at Entire Nation': Kremlin Reacts to Blinken's Remark on Raisi's Death
About 3 million people have attended the farewell ceremony in Iran's Mashhad for late President Ebrahim Raisi. His body was buried earlier in the day in Mashhad, Raisi's hometown in northwestern Iran. He was laid to rest in the Imam Reza shrine containing the remains of Ali al-Rida, the eighth Imam of Shia Islam.
Some of the 3 million people who attended the ceremony came to Mashhad from other cities and even other countries, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey, Ghalandar was quoted as saying by the IRNA news agency.
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