- Sputnik International, 1920
Political Misfits
Political Misfits bring you news, politics and culture from the belly of Washington DC without the red and blue treatment. Informed by progressive politics, class analysis and anti-war activism, we break down the day's pressing economic, social and political stories from perspectives often ignored.

Israeli Massacre in Rafah, Hospital Ransomware Attacks, Qualified Immunity

Israeli Massacre in Rafah, Hospital Ransomware Attacks, Qualified Immunity
Israel promises to probe a missile strike that killed scores of civilians in Rafah, and the White House hunts for its own red lines.
Author, editor and senior columnist at Black Agenda Report Margaret Kimberley joins Misfits hosts Michelle Witte and John Kiriakou to discuss Ukraine as a threat to world peace, why NATO’s secretary general is urging members to relax weapons restrictions on Ukraine, whether former President Donald Trump will end up in jail when his hush money case is finally resolved, and who’ll benefit most from RFK Jr. and Trump’s appeals to the Libertarian Party convention.
Technologist and cohost of the CovertAction Bulletin podcast Chris Garaffa discusses the uptick in ransomware attacks on hospitals and other medical facilities, why cybersecurity remains lax in the industry, how the government could push private health care providers and insurers to strengthen their defenses, and who suffers in the meantime.
Executive Director of the Human Rights Defense Center Paul Wright discusses the use of prison labor as slave labor in the US food industry, whether the profit from this labor disincentivizes prison systems and parole boards to grant parole, how activist and other “difficult” or politically toxic prisoners are unfairly denied parole, how the makeup of parole boards facilitates these denials, how upholding and expanding qualified immunity shields delinquent police officers from accountability, and how local police departments in the US are working with the FBI and other federal agencies to surveil and infiltrate activist groups.
Head of news for The Cradle Esteban Carillo discusses reports that the US is going to lift restrictions on arms sales to Saudi Arabia, what actually stands in the way of Washington’s grand plan to bring Israel and Saudi Arabia together, how the United States is pushing its allies to drop efforts to rebuke Iran over increasing its enriched uranium stockpiles, and an exchange of gunfire at the Rafah border crossing.
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