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UNSC Adopts US-Drafted Resolution Welcoming Proposal for Ceasefire in Gaza

© AP Photo / Yuki IwamuraRepresentatives of member countries take vote during the Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, Friday, Dec. 22, 2023.
Representatives of member countries take vote during the Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, Friday, Dec. 22, 2023. - Sputnik International, 1920, 10.06.2024
UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - The UN Security Council on Monday adopted a US-drafted resolution welcoming the Gaza ceasefire proposal announced by President Joe Biden and calling on Hamas to accept it, a Sputnik correspondent reported.
Fourteen members of the council voted in favor, with Russia abstaining.

On May 31, Biden said that Israel had offered Hamas a new three-phase proposal with a road map that would lead to an enduring cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip and the release of all hostages.

The resolution basically repeats Israel's three-stage proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza, which US President Biden brought to the public.
The first phase, according to the resolution, includes an immediate full ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza's population centers, the release of hostages held by Hamas, and the exchange of arrested Palestinians.
The second phase involves an indefinite cessation of hostilities in exchange for the release of the remaining hostages, as well as the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza.
The third phase of the initiative calls for the launch of a “multi-year reconstruction plan” for Gaza. The resolution rejects any attempt at demographic or territorial change in the Gaza Strip, including any action that reduces the enclave's territory.
Residents watch from balconies as Hamas militants parade through the streets for Bassem Issa, a top Hamas' commander, who was killed by Israeli Defense Force military actions prior to a cease-fire reached after an 11-day war between Gaza's Hamas rulers and Israel, in Gaza City, Saturday, May 22, 2021 - Sputnik International, 1920, 09.06.2024
US Fails Threatening Hamas Leaders With Sanctions via Qatar, Egypt - Reports
Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia said that Russia has many questions regarding the newly adopted US-drafted UN Security Council resolution which welcomes a Gaza ceasefire proposal whose details are not known to the public.
“We have a whole host of questions about the American draft resolution, whereby this Council welcomes some deal, the ultimate outlines of which are not known to anyone, perhaps, except the mediators,” Nebenzia said during a UN Security Council during a meeting on Palestine and Israel.
Palestinian movement Hamas on Monday welcomed the UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution calling for permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
“Hamas welcomes what was included in the Security Council resolution regarding a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, a complete withdrawal [of military forces] from the Gaza Strip, prisoner exchange, reconstruction, the return of displaced persons to their places of residence, the rejection of any demographic change in the Gaza Strip or reduction of its territory, and the provision of the necessary assistance to our people in the strip,” the movement said in a statement.
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