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Russian Military Ships to Visit Cuba on June 12

The Russian carrier of hypersonic missiles, the Admiral Gorshkov frigate, will conduct a series of training exercises in the Atlantic
The Russian carrier of hypersonic missiles, the Admiral Gorshkov frigate, will conduct a series of training exercises in the Atlantic - Sputnik International, 1920, 11.06.2024
Last week, Havana's Foreign Ministry reported that Russia’s Admiral Gorshkov frigate and a Kazan nuclear submarine with two maintenance vessels will be in the Caribbean country from June 12 to 17.
A squadron of Russian military ships will enter Cuba’s ports as a part of an international partnership program, commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy Alexander Moiseyev has told Sputnik.
“On [June] 12, the squadron of military ships of the Northern Fleet [will enter Cuban ports], it is public information, it is true, I confirm. It is done under the auspice of the international partnership program between Russia and Cuba," Moiseyev said.
He clarified that visiting Cuba was only one of the tasks of the naval expedition. The commander-in-chief added that the squadron's flagship is a frigate with modern weaponry, and it will be accompanied by a nuclear submarine.
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