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Putin Announces New Appointments in Russian Defense Ministry

© Sputnik / Alexey Maishev / Go to the mediabankJune 13, 2024. Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a meeting of the Council on Science and Education at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna.
June 13, 2024. Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a meeting of the Council on Science and Education at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna. - Sputnik International, 1920, 17.06.2024
On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced new appointments in the Defense Ministry.
Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Leonid Gornin as the first deputy Defense Minister, the corresponding decree was published on the official portal.
"To appoint Gornin Leonid Vladimirovich the first deputy minister of defense of the Russian Federation," the text of the document says.
Anna Tsivileva has also been appointed Deputy Defense Minister of the Russian Federation, according to the decree.
Vladimir Putin also appointed Pavel Fradkov deputy head of the Russian Defense Ministry.
The President appointed Oleg Savelyev deputy head of the Defense Ministry, chief of staff of the Defense Ministry.
Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with members of the Russian Security Council, the Russian government and the heads of law enforcement agencies - Sputnik International, 1920, 11.06.2024
Putin Includes Russian Defense Minister Belousov in Security Council - Decree
It is noted that the decree comes into force from the day of its signing, June 17.
Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov met with the dismissed deputy ministers Ruslan Tsalikov, Tatyana Shevtsova, Nikolai Pankov and Pavel Popov and thanked them for their responsible work, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
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