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Israeli-Lebanese Border Crisis Serious, Gone on ‘Long Enough’, Says Biden Advisor

© AP Photo / Mohammad ZaatariSmoke rises after Israeli air strikes on the outskirts of Khiam, a town near the Lebanese-Israeli border
Smoke rises after Israeli air strikes on the outskirts of Khiam, a town near the Lebanese-Israeli border - Sputnik International, 1920, 18.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The situation on the border between Israel and Lebanon is serious and is lasting "long enough," so the US administration seeks to avoid further escalation into a "greater war," Biden's Senior Adviser for Energy and Investment, Amos Hochstein, said on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, Hochstein, who serves as a mediator between Israel and Lebanon, arrived in Beirut and held a meeting with Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri. On Monday, the US official visited Jerusalem, where he met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
"The conflict along the blue line [border demarcation] between Israel and Hezbollah has gone on for long enough … Conversations that I had here today in Beirut, and the ones that I had yesterday in Israel, both are being conducted because the situation is serious. We have seen an escalation over the last few weeks. And what president Biden wants to do is to avoid a further escalation to a greater war," Hochstein told reporters following his talks with Lebanese authorities.
The ceasefire in the Gaza Strip can contribute to the de-escalation between Israel and the Lebanese Shia movement Hezbollah on the border between the Jewish state and Lebanon, he added.
Fires burn as a result of rockets launched from Lebanon into northern Israel on June 3, 2024. - Sputnik International, 1920, 09.06.2024
Gaza to 'Look Like Playground Compared to Lebanon' If Israel-Hezbollah Standoff Spirals
Israeli forces and Hezbollah in Lebanon have been exchanging fire, primarily over the southern border, ever since Hamas’ October 7 attack against Israel, leading to hundreds of deaths and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilians.
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