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From Strong Russia to Impressive Pyongyang: Key Takeaways From Putin-Kim Talks

© POOL / Go to the mediabankPeople of North Korea greet Russian President Vladimir Putin
People of North Korea greet Russian President Vladimir Putin - Sputnik International, 1920, 19.06.2024
The negotiations are part of Russian President Vladimir Putin's current visit to North Korea, during which the two sides are expected to sign a number of bilateral documents, including a landmark Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement.
Negotiations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un with the participation of delegations have concluded in Pyongyang.
This is what the two leaders said during the meeting, which lasted about an hour and a half and was followed by one-on-one talks:

Putin Commends North Korea's Full-Fledged Support for Russian Policy

As a result of Kim's visit to Russia in 2023, the two sides made "significant progress" in bolstering bilateral relations, the Russian president said.

"A new fundamental document was prepared today, something that will form the basis of the long-term relationship between Moscow and Pyongyang," Putin pointed out.

Russia appreciates North Korea's consistent and unwavering support for Russian policy, including in connection with the Ukraine crisis, Putin stressed.

"Interaction between our countries is based on the principles of equality [and] mutual respect for each other's interests," he said.

Both Moscow and Pyongyang are fighting against the "hegemonic and imperialist policies of the US and its satellite states," he added.
Pyongyang's transformation since my [Putin's] last visit to the city in 2000 is impressive and noticeable, the Russian leader said.

"I am very happy about our new meeting. I hope that the next one will be held in Russia, in Moscow," Putin said.

Kim: North Korea Backs Russian Special Op

"The government of North Korea appreciates the important mission and role of strong Russia in maintaining strategic stability and balance in the world," Kim, for his part, stated.

Pyongyang expresses "full support and solidarity with the Russian government, army and people in carrying out the special military operation in Ukraine to protect the sovereignty, security interests and territorial integrity," the North Korean leader said.

"The situation in the world is becoming more complicated and it is changing rapidly," Kim pointed out.

"In this vein, we intend to further strengthen strategic communication with Russia," he concluded.

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