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Ukrainian Drone Crashes on Private House in Russia's Kuban, One Person Killed

© Sputnik / РИА Новости / Go to the mediabankA screenshot from a video depicting a house in Belgorod, Russia, destroyed by the Ukrainian missile strike on 3 July 2022.
A screenshot from a video depicting a house in Belgorod, Russia, destroyed by the Ukrainian missile strike on 3 July 2022. - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.06.2024
SOCHI (Sputnik) - A drone has crashed on a private house in the town of Slavyansk-on-Kuban in Russia's Krasnodar Territory, destroying the house and killing one person as a result, the region's operational headquarters said on Thursday.
"On the night of June 20, Slavyansk-on-Kuban was attacked by the Kiev regime. According to the information from the PSAP [Public Safety Answering Point] in the Slavyansk district, a drone crashed on a private house, and it was completely destroyed. All operational and emergency services are working on the site, removing the rubble. According to preliminary information, there is a fatal casualty," the HQ said on Telegram.
The HQ added in a separate post that media reports about a fire at the Afipsky oil refinery after the drone strike were false.
Men look at a car damaged by shelling in the course of Russia's military operation in Ukraine, in Donetsk, the Donetsk People's Republic, Russia. - Sputnik International, 1920, 04.11.2023
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Krasnodar Territory Governor Veniamin Kondratyev confirmed on Telegram that a female resident of Slavyansk-on-Kuban was killed in the incident. He instructed local authorities to provide all necessary assistance to the family of the deceased person.
Regional emergency services told Sputnik that they received four reports from residents about explosions in the village of Afipsky in Kuban.
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