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EU Council Approves 14th Package of Sanctions Against Russia

© Sputnik / Vladimir Sergeev / Go to the mediabankFlags of Russia, EU, France and coat of arms of Nice on the city's promenade
Flags of Russia, EU, France and coat of arms of Nice on the city's promenade - Sputnik International, 1920, 24.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The EU Council said on Monday that it had approved the 14th package of sanctions against Russia.
"The Council adopted today a 14th package of economic and individual restrictive measures dealing a further blow to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s regime and those who perpetuate his illegal, unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine," the EU Council said in a statement.
The new package expands personal restrictions to include 116 individuals and organizations "responsible for actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine," the statement read.
"In order to ensure that EU facilities are not used to tranship Russian liquified natural gas (LNG) to third countries, and thereby reduce the significant revenues that Russia derives from LNG sale and transport, the EU will forbid reloading services of Russian LNG in EU territory for the purpose of transshipment operations to third countries," the statement read.
The EU also banned companies from using the "System for Transfer of Financial Messages" (SPFS), a specialized financial messaging service developed by Russia's Central Bank "to neutralise the effect of restrictive measures."
"In view of the continued Russian attempts to interfere with the democratic processes in the EU and undermine its democratic foundations, including through influence campaigns and the promotion of disinformation, the Council decided that political parties and foundations, non-governmental organisations, including think tanks, or media service providers in the EU, will no longer be allowed to accept funding coming from the Russian state and its proxies," the statement read.
The building of the Russian embassy in London. - Sputnik International, 1920, 15.06.2024
Embassy in London on New Sanctions Against Russia: US is Ultimate Beneficiary
The EU has also imposed sanctions against the "shadow fleet" of Russia, "specific vessels contributing to Russia’s warfare against Ukraine," targeting 27 vessels, as well as expanded restrictions against the import of helium from Russia and the export of manganese ore, plastics, electronics.

"Today’s package will impose restrictions on accepting applications for registrations in the EU of certain intellectual property rights by Russian nationals and companies, with the aim of offsetting the actions of the Russian government and courts illegitimately depriving EU intellectual property rights holders of their protection in Russia," the statement read.

Additionally, EU Council will be required to take measures to ensure that their third-country subsidiaries do not violate European sanctions or "take part in any activities resulting in an outcome that the sanctions seek to prevent."
"The Council added 61 new entities to the list of those directly supporting Russia’s military and industrial complex in its war of aggression against Ukraine. They will be subject to tighter export restrictions concerning dual use goods and technologies, as well as goods and technology which might contribute to the technological enhancement of Russia’s defence and security sector. Some of these entities are located in third countries (China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye, and the United Arab Emirates)," the statement read.
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